distanceTo method
- GpsCoordinates other
Calculate Euclidean distance between current coordinates and another set of coordinates.
See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geographic_coordinate_system#Length_of_a_degree
double distanceTo(GpsCoordinates other) {
// Convert to distance in meters and use Pythagorean theorem
final latitudeDistance = 111132.92 - 559.82*cos(2*latitude) + 1.175*cos(4*latitude) - 0.0023*cos(6*latitude);
final longitudeDistance = 111412.84*cos(latitude) - 93.5*cos(3*latitude) + 0.118*cos(5*latitude);
return pow(
pow((latitude - other.latitude)*latitudeDistance, 2)
+ pow((longitude - other.longitude)*longitudeDistance, 2)
+ pow(altitude - other.altitude, 2),