swapPresets method

void swapPresets(
  1. int oldIndex,
  2. int newIndex

Swaps two presets in the user's settings.


void swapPresets(int oldIndex, int newIndex) {
  final presets = settings.presets;
    // ignore: parameter_assignments
  if (oldIndex < newIndex) newIndex -= 1;
  final element = presets.removeAt(oldIndex);
  presets.insert(newIndex, element);
  // This notifyListeners call is needed to update the UI smoothly.
  // A ResizableListView simply *simulates* re-ordering its children. After
  // the child is dropped in its new position, it is sent back to its original
  // position, and it is the backend's job to actually update the underlying data.
  // Calling [SettingsModel.update] here does the job, but its [notifyListeners] call
  // is (correctly) placed *after* the settings file is updated on disk. This introduces
  // a delay in the re-ordering, so items will animate back and forth.
  // This call will update the UI based on the in-memory list before the disk is updated.