DashboardSocket class

A service to send and receive Protobuf messages over a UDP socket, using BurtSocket.

This class monitors its connection to the given device by sending heartbeats periodically and logging the response (or lack thereof). To be notified of connection events, add a listener to connectionStatus. To be notified of incoming messages, listen to the messages stream that streams incoming WrappedMessage.

To use this class:

  • Call init to open the socket.
  • Check connectionStrength or isConnected for the connection to the given device.
  • To send a message, call sendMessage.
  • Call dispose to close the socket.
  • Object
  • Service
  • DashboardSocket


DashboardSocket({required Device device})
Listens for incoming messages on a UDP socket and sends heartbeats to the device.


collection ↔ Service?
The main service, or collection of services, of the program, if any.
getter/setter pairinherited
connectionIncrement → double
How much each successful/missed handshake is worth, as a percent.
no setter
connectionStatus ValueNotifier<bool>
Notifier for when the socket connects or disconnects
connectionStrength ValueNotifier<double>
The connection strength, as a percentage to this device.
destination SocketInfo?
The destination port to send to.
getter/setter pairinherited
device Device
The device this socket will be used on.
frequency → double
Number of times to check heart beat per seconds based on models.settings.network.connectionTimeout.
no setter
hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
heartbeatInterval → Duration
How often to check for new heartbeats.
no setter
heartbeatWaitDelay → Duration
How long to wait for incoming heartbeats after sending them out.
no setter
isConnected → bool
Whether this socket has a stable connection to the device.
no setter
keepDestination → bool
Whether or not the default destination should be kept when the socket is dispose.
logger → BurtLogger
A logger to capture important events during operation.
messages → Stream<WrappedMessage>
A stream of WrappedMessages as they arrive in the UDP socket.
no setterinherited
port → int?
The port this socket is listening on. See RawDatagramSocket.bind.
no setterinherited
quiet → bool
Whether to silence "normal" output, like opening/closing and resetting sockets.
runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
stream → Stream<Datagram>
A stream containing all the data coming out of the socket.
no setterinherited


checkHeartbeats() → Future<void>
Sends or waits for heartbeats to or from the other device.
dispose() → Future<void>
Closes the connection to the device.
init() → Future<bool>
Initializes the connection to the device.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
onConnect(SocketInfo source) → void
Sets destination to the incoming source.
onDisconnect() → Future<void>
Sends a Disconnect message to the dashboard and sets destination to null.
onHeartbeat(Connect heartbeat, SocketInfo source) → void
Handle an incoming heartbeat coming from a given source.
onSettings(NetworkSettings settings) → Future<void>
Handle an incoming request to change network settings.
send(List<int> data, {SocketInfo? destination}) → void
Sends data to the given destination.
sendMessage(Message message, {SocketInfo? destination}) → void
Sends a Message over the socket (in a WrappedMessage).
sendWrapper(WrappedMessage wrapper, {SocketInfo? destination}) → void
Sends a WrappedMessage over the socket.
toString() → String
A string representation of this object.
tryHandshake<T extends Message>({required T message, required Duration timeout, required T constructor(List<int> bytes), SocketInfo? destination}) → Future<bool>
A utility method to exchange a "handshake" to the destination
waitForConnection() → Future<void>
Waits for a connection to be established.


operator ==(Object other) → bool
The equality operator.