build method
- @override
- BuildContext context,
- GpsBuilder model
Builds the UI according to the state in model
Widget build(BuildContext context, GpsBuilder model) => Column(
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
children: [
name: "Type",
value: model.type,
onChanged: model.updateType,
items: GpsType.values,
humanName: (type) => type.humanName,
const SizedBox(width: 12),
if (model.type == GpsType.degrees) ...[
const Text("Longitude:"),
SizedBox(width: 240, child: NumberEditor(name: "Degrees", width: 12, titleFlex: 1, model: model.longDegrees)),
SizedBox(width: 240, child: NumberEditor(name: "Minutes", width: 12, titleFlex: 1, model: model.longMinutes)),
SizedBox(width: 240, child: NumberEditor(name: "Seconds", width: 12, titleFlex: 1, model: model.longSeconds)),
const Text("Latitude:"),
SizedBox(width: 240, child: NumberEditor(name: "Degrees", width: 12, titleFlex: 1, model: model.latDegrees)),
SizedBox(width: 240, child: NumberEditor(name: "Minutes", width: 12, titleFlex: 1, model: model.latMinutes)),
SizedBox(width: 240, child: NumberEditor(name: "Seconds", width: 12, titleFlex: 1, model: model.latSeconds)),
] else ...[
SizedBox(width: 240, child: NumberEditor(name: "Longitude", width: 0, titleFlex: 1, model: model.longDecimal)),
SizedBox(width: 240, child: NumberEditor(name: "Latitude", width: 0, titleFlex: 1, model: model.latDecimal)),