stringError property
A human-readable string representing this error, if any.
String? get stringError => switch (this) {
BurtCanStatus.OK => null,
BurtCanStatus.SOCKET_CREATE_ERROR => "Could not create socket",
BurtCanStatus.INTERFACE_PARSE_ERROR => "Could not parse interface",
BurtCanStatus.BIND_ERROR => "Could not bind to socket",
BurtCanStatus.CLOSE_ERROR => "Could not close socket",
BurtCanStatus.MTU_ERROR => "Invalid MTU",
BurtCanStatus.CANFD_NOT_SUPPORTED => "CAN FD is not supported",
BurtCanStatus.FD_MISC_ERROR => "Could not switch to CAN FD",
BurtCanStatus.WRITE_ERROR => "Could not write data",
BurtCanStatus.READ_ERROR => "Could not read data",
BurtCanStatus.FRAME_NOT_FULLY_READ => "Frame was not fully read",