processSlip method

Uint8List processSlip(
  1. List<int> data

Removes bytes inserted by the SLIP protocol.

This function is here until package:osc supports SLIP, mandated by the OSC v1.1 spec. See this issue: See:


Uint8List processSlip(List<int> data) {
  const end = 192;
  const esc = 219;
  const escEnd = 220;
  const escEsc = 221;
  final newPacket = <int>[];
  var prevElement = 0;
  for (final element in data) {
    if (prevElement == esc && element == escEnd) {
      newPacket.last = end;  // ESC + ESC_END -> END
    } else if (prevElement == esc && element == escEsc) {
      newPacket.last = esc;  // ESC + ESC_ESC -> ESC
    } else {
    prevElement = element;
  if (newPacket.last == end) newPacket.removeLast();
  return Uint8List.fromList(newPacket);