init method

  1. @override
Future<bool> init()

Initializes the connection to the device.


Future<bool> init() async {
  await runZonedGuarded<Future<void>>(
    // This code cannot be a try/catch because the SocketException can be thrown at any time,
    // even after this function has finished. It also cannot be caught by the caller of this function.
    // Using [runZonedGuarded] ensures that the error is caught no matter when it is thrown.
    () async {  // Initialize the socket
      _socket = await RawDatagramSocket.bind(InternetAddress.anyIPv4, _port ?? 0);
      _subscription = _socket!.onlyData().listen(_controller.add);
      if (!quiet)"Listening on port $port");
    (Object error, StackTrace stack) async {  // Catch errors and restart the socket
      if (error is SocketException && allowedErrors.contains(error.osError!.errorCode)) {
        if (!quiet) logger.warning("Socket error ${error.osError!.errorCode} on port $port. Restarting...");
        await Future<void>.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 1));
        await dispose();
        await init();
      } else {
        Error.throwWithStackTrace(error, stack);
  return true;