autonomy library
- AutonomyAStarState
- AutonomyInterface
- AutonomySimulator
- DetectorInterface
- DetectorSimulator
- DriveInterface
- DriveSimulator
- GpsInterface
- GpsSimulator
- ImuInterface
- ImuSimulator
- OrchestratorInterface
- PathfindingInterface
- RandomError
- RealSenseInterface
- RealSenseSimulator
- RoverAutonomy
- A collection of all the different services used by the autonomy program.
- RoverDrive
- A helper class to send drive commands to the rover with a simpler API.
- RoverOrchestrator
- RoverPathfinder
- SensorlessDrive
- ServerInterface
- Service
- A class that represents a connection to some other API, service, or device.
- SimulatedObstacle
- SimulatorServer